Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The Full-Year Notebook System

Join the others who have successfully planned their school year using a proven system that works!!

A Fresh Approach to Organizing Your Home School Curriculum
Hi, I'm Julie Anderson.
Having been a homeschooler for 12 years, and realizing that I was spending way too much time each day scheduling lessons, I decided that I needed a better way to organize my children's school work.
My schedule is very erratic (because I work part time outside the home), so it was nearly impossible to plan my school year before the year started but I wanted to accomplish that goal.
How could I know what lessons to assign on Sept. 27th or Jan. 19th? Was is even possible to plan that far ahead? What if they missed some school days and ruined my schedule?
I had a determination to plan my children's home school lessons so, every year, I would conduct the same ritual. I would find the resources I wanted to use, assign lessons to the calendar, and know in my heart that this year was going to be different than all of the others. This year, we will be able to stay on target.
Each year I would move ahead with my new and improved plans but because I was using the same imperfect methods, as expected, my whole year would fall apart not long after we implemented it. Because of the stress this would cause for myself and my children, each time this happened, I would throw out the old calendar and start a new calendar where we left off. It would be two months into the new school year and here I would be making lesson plans. This same ritual usually occurred at least two or three times every school year.
NO MORE! I made the decision that I had to re-think the method I was using to organize my children's curriculum. At this point I became determined to design a system in which I could use my favorite curriculum but also work with our homeschooling model.
The result - A system that works perfectly for any homeschool family even though each family has different curriculum choices and teaching methods.
Thank you for your interest. I know you will be blessed by The Full-Year Notebook System.
Julie Anderson

Here is what others are saying about
The Full-Year Notebook System
"If you are wearing many hats, consider this approach to scheduling. It may very well change your life." Bless God, Laura N.

I just wanted to write and tell everyone that I went to Julie Anderson's Full-Year Notebook workshop and it was one of the best workshops that I have attended for a while. I have taught for ten years and only wish that I had this information available when I had begun to homeschool. Because of the Full-Year Notebook System, it is really easy to plan out your whole year of teaching. I will never feel behind again as she offers a plan for that last minute camping trip that you just had to take. I also liked the fact that in doing this format, you have instant documentation for your transcripts.
I definitely recommend The Full-Year Notebook System
Katherine W.

The Full-Year Notebook System taught me how to use the library and how to plan that into my Full-Year Notebook. Those forms were very helpful as I think we all have big plans to better use the library, but sometimes lack a concrete plan of how to do it.
Lisa B.

I cannot thank you enough for putting the information together for the Full-Year Notebook System. I have put the first semester together for Heather (we did not want a huge notebook, we chose to do 2 smaller ones). She absolutely loves it. Her favorite color is pink, so I copied the Assignment Sheets on pink paper and I copied all of her tests on pink paper. She is very excited about having all her lessons in one book. I wished that I would have had this system sooner so that Valerie could have taken advantage of it.
Sharon B.

Julie, This is amazing!! Thank you so much! I am thrilled with the idea of planning one time for the whole year. This is really neat and I haven't seen anything like it before.
Sandy T.

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The Full-Year Notebook System

Whether you have been homeschooling 15 years or just starting out, the Full-Year Notebook System can make your homeschool plans a reality..

Do you organize all of your children's school work at the beginning of each year but see your plans start to fall apart before the first month of school is over?
Have you considered creating yearly home school lesson plans but don't know how it will work with your family's fast-paced schedule
Have you had a desire to teach your children to finish their assignments on time but don't know what to assign today or what they did yesterday?
Are you very organized or very unorganized?
Do you teach children in any grades between K-12?
Has the school year already started and are you already way behind schedule?
Do you prefer purchasing non-consumable resources to use over and over each year for all of your children?
If you answered yes to one or more of those questions, The Full-Year Notebook System is right for you!

There is something truly remarkable about The Full-Year Notebook System. It works equally well for highly structured or relaxed homeschools as they plan their home school curriculum.
Whether your family prefers:
Full Service Home School Curriculum Providers

Unit Studies

Library Resources

Living Books
Classical Education
Or Designing Your Own Home Study Program

The Full-Year Notebook System will work for you!

This is a fully downloadable digital product.
To Purchase From Clickbank's Secure Servers
Click Here;

Do you plan your family's schedules in 15 minute blocks or do you have no schedule at all?
Do you prefer library resources to use as your home school curriculum or do you always purchase new materials each year?

The Full-Year Notebook System will be a welcome addition to your homeschool no matter what your learning styles or schedule.
Imagine yourself using a system that organizes all of your curriculum choices for the whole school year and compiles all of it into one notebook per child.
Because The Full-Year Notebook System teaches you how to organize your own curriculum, while you are creating your notebooks, you will be learning the techniques to:
your children's school work into one easy-to-follow system.

The Full-Year Notebook system is a non-consumable resource so you can use it every year for all of your curriculum needs. You can use it over and over again with all of your school age children making it an exceptional bargain. You could also use it with preschoolers.

Getting Started
How To Incorporate Library Materials and Living Books
Developing Your Weekly Assignments Page
Analyzing Your Time and Your Books
Transcripts and Yearly Record Keeping
Notice the last bullet point? The FYN system teaches you how to convert your curriculum choices into accurate transcripts so your children can be accepted into college!
The transcript section is worth more than the cost of the whole system. It will ease your mind to know that you have the tools you need to ensure your child is not left without a transcript.
By applying the FYN System to your home school , you will have complete documentation of your child's high school years and will be able to sign their transcript with confidence because you know they completed their high school course of study.

This is a fully downloadable digital product. Buy it at ClickBank;

Found throughout Full-Year Notebooks are suggestions for how to plan for your high school years. We recommend that you contact your source of higher education to be sure of their entrance requirements before beginning your high school course of study. The Full-Year Notebook System is here to help you with these important plans.
One section which is worth the price of the entire system, is the chapter on how to incorporate library resources into your school year. The Full-Year Notebook System's worksheets will help you to plan entire subjects using library books, tapes, or videos. We provide the tools you need to organize your choice of library resources. You will always know what materials you need from the library. No more feeling like you can't even stay one step ahead of the kids. The Full-Year Notebook System also helps you incorporate library resources to add to your regular home school curriculum choices.

Full-Year Notebooks realizes that learning takes place in all sorts of ways, not just from textbooks. Because you need to be able to document these other learning opportunities, you will also receive custom documents. These help you know how to apply extra-curricular activities into your full-fledged subjects for credit on a transcript!
Custom Documents for Extracurricular Activities including worksheets for:
Computer Research
Field Trips
Physical Education
Educational Videos
Volunteer/Service Opportunities
Work Experience
Music Lessons
Mission Trips
Entrepreneurial Education
And other custom forms such as:
Book Reports
Writing Assignments
History Assignments

This is a fully downloadable digital product.
Buy it at ClickBank;

We don't stop there!
Included is a step-by-step instruction section to teach you how to implement the Full-Year Notebook System into your home school curriculum.
Tips and ideas are scattered throughout the instructions so you can customize the notebooks materials to use in your own homeschool.
No matter what style of teaching is your favorite, the Full-Year Notebook System will help you to realize your homeschool's full potential.
In addition to the tips and ideas you will find a section called, "Other Organizational Ideas" . This section is included so you can customize the Full-Year Notebook System to be an exact match for your homeschool needs.

Whether your children are just starting their school careers or almost ready to march to Pomp and Circumstance, The Full-Year Notebook System is your resource for ensuring your home school curriculum plans run smoothly.

Your Full-Year Notebook System download uses both .exe and PDF files to quickly deliver all of the information. If you don't already have "Adobe Reader", you will need to download it after you receive The Full-Year Notebook System. The instructions for this additional download are included with your purchase and it is completely free.
This program is designed for 32-bit operating systems running Windows 95, 98, or NT 4 and higher. System requirements: · 486 processor or faster (recommended). · 16 MB RAM or more (recommended). · 32-bit operating system such as Microsoft Windows 95, 98, or NT 4 and higher.

Each of the sections of The Full-Year Notebook System could be sold separately but because they all work together they are all included in this one system for one low price.
If you were to consider the value of each of the sections you will quickly see that The Full-Year Notebook System is an exceptional bargain.
The How to Use the Library (A $15.00 Value!) section can save you hundreds of dollars on home school curriculum per child throughout the course of their home school years and includes worksheets to help you use the library more efficiently.
The Transcript Section (A $15.00 Value!) is worth the cost of the whole ebook and includes transcript templates you can use immediately or use over and over again for each of your children.
The Step-by-Step Instructions (A $29.95 Value!) teach you a simple system that can be used over and over again, for all of your children, year-after year and you don't have to spend a semester learning the system before you can implement it. The instructions are so easy to implement that you can receive your copy of The Full-Year Notebook System today, and get started using it on your home school curriculum tomorrow (or today if you are very eager to get started!).
The Extra-Curricular Worksheets (A $10.00 Value!) complete your Full-Year Notebook System and make it possible to track and assign credit for many, many educational activities in addition to your day-to-day home school curriculum choices.
We want to make sure it is accessible to all home school families so we have set the price at an affordable $33.95. Remember, the cost of each of the sections individually is 69.95 making The Full-Year Notebook System an exceptional value by today's market standards.

Don't delay!
Order your copy of the Full-Year Notebook System today!
Get it at ClickBank;

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